The accredited training we provide is designed to ensure candidate, professional, and master property practitioners are competent for the outcomes-based NQF Levels 4 & 5 in Real Estate as required by legislation
All of our non-accredited training programs are designed to provide candidate, professional, and master property practitioners with industry knowledge and other regulatory requirements
The intern logbook program has been designed to support the intern estate agent with the mandatory one-year program, to be completed by all intern estate agents, as from 2 January 2013, as set by the Estate Agency Affairs Board.
The maintenance of a mandatory workplace learning program logbook and workplace portfolio of evidence constitutes an integral component of the entire program. Meraki Property Solutions has compiled a set of templates and resources to assist both the intern and principal with the compilation of this mandatory Intern Logbook and portfolio of evidence.
What our customers say...
"I would just like to thank you so much for all your assistance and kindness in sending me so much valuable study information for my NQF4 exam which I wrote on 20 May 2021 and let you know that I PASSED"
" I received positive results from the Cirrus platform, I am so relieved! Thank you for your help, without it I would not have made it!
"Your exam preparatio has been more useful than I can ever tell you. Thank you. I have printed the tests and doing them - all seems okay so far. Thank you again"
"Thanks so much for the informative lessons received from you. Its really awesome. Makes life so much easier"
"Training provided covered 75% of the questions asked in the exam, the other 25% was the case study but the basics provided during the training helped tackled the scenario given in the exam"
"I passed my PDE4. Thanks for your love and inspiration in all of our lives. Your deposits will reap for you bounds you have never seen. I appreciate you lots, always will"
"Thank you so much for histing these sessions, greatly appreciated. I gained a little more confidence to take on the PDE5. Together with what I already have and the added resources you will be sending I know I'll be ready"
"Thank you for your time and unselfish parting of knowledge and wisdom. These are incredible traits"
"I would just like to say thak you for your time on the ast two Saturdays for the PDE5 exam preparation. I found your sessions very insightful and informative"